Sunday, March 15, 2009

well honestly, what would YOU do ??

if yer trails lookeded like this on mar 15, at 8:00 in the morning - sun shining - temps so that all ya need to ski is a long sleeve jersey and a zephyrr vest ??

yeah, it's supposed to get up around the hi 40's later . . . . . . but ya know, hi -40's and road biking is alright. but that stuff you see right there is the shite, let me tell you. it skiis as good as it looks, and glides even faster. MK, gretchen, and i went for it for a couple hours - we got all summer to ride bikes !!

nicky slept in a bit. his rag-tag team took 5th at the big contest, he was stoking with that seein' as they had no idea what they were doing and all. gotta love the snowboarders, tho. 20 buck entry fee, and everybody brought home a huge bag of swag with sweet skullcandy earphones, wax, little tool thingies, and other stuff including a tee with this supercool pic of obama rockin it. want more juniors to race bikes ?? that is how ya do it. duh.


jwm said...

I don't have skis. Easy decision.

I don't blame ya tho.


The Shed Master said...

Fausto never wasted his time with skiing!