Sunday, March 29, 2009

insert your name here

today, whilst relaxin in the quiet house waiting for the criterium internationale to get going, i was jolted awake by bob roll opening the show with a mention of Cole House ! ! ! ! ! he went right to it, in the opening commentary of how this week has been fabulous for americans in the EU, what with " the young Cole House winning the prestigious whatever-it-was-race in belgium, and levi L winning etc etc.

we have known cole, and his family for many years. always had fun with them - it was cole's mom who hilariously called gretchen "Mrs Haney" for lugging a suitcase full of mittens for sale at WORS races a few years back. MK raced his sister jasmine as fiercely friendly rivals for years, i used to enjoy racing doug his dad, and gretchen and toni used to gab their way thru the sport Fe field all the time. whenever i think of cole, i usually recall an image of him chasing a bunch of screaming cit youths around a campfire at 9-mile on a tiny bike, the night before he won the elite race.

i know that some folks have seen the young fellow as sometimes less than . . . . i dunno. but, he's always been supercool to and around me and my family. and, i think he sometimes ( oftentimes ) got a bad shake, or was misunderstood. enuf on that. anyway, whenever we see him nowadays, he is still that goofy fun kid he always was, only now he has better stories to tell and he goes out of his way to give MK encouragement. we enjoyed gabbing with him for an hour sitting in the telemark lobby floor and making light-hearted fun of his little entourage up at chequamegon this year. we sat by the muddy cup and teased him mercilessly about being a worthless slacker with his mom and dad at the shawano race. etc etc. i dig the kid and i always did.

and now in addition to the bobke shout-out on versus today, he's getting mentioned in the same sentences as LA and levi .

pretty sweet deal. go, cole.

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