Tuesday, January 19, 2010

separated at birth pt III

this is one i am particularly proud of. they do not call MKE's own JWM "the elusive one" for nothing. he is indeed rarely seen, even when you are on ride with him and maybe 2 or 3 others. or in a vehicle driving across the state to a dinky little SS race. few photos exist of him in captivity. witness this one, and note his uncanny ability to blend into any background - in this case by impersonating a towering Blue Spruce tree even as he rides his most righteous Singular steed:

BUT, as arlo guthrie once sang - that's not what i came to talk about. for this installment of SaB none other than MK her own bad-ass self was able to capture a pic of . . . not JWM's elusive self - but instead an even MORE rare shot of a JWM impersonator lurking amongst the stately confines of Notre Dame University. no word from MK on how this elusive lookalike responded to being immortalized inside her i-touch . . . but i have not heard from her since.


jwm said...

I hate to say lately if you're looking at this pic, you won't find me.

The Shed Master said...

Dude - you're giving the elusive one too much press time, he may actually get recognized somewhere