Thursday, January 14, 2010

hunter thompson, quentin tarantino, gauguin . . . . .

and tim gunn are all personal heroes of mine, in the artist category. the painting above is my fave all time- i wonder where former art historian russl B jobs weighs in on the issue ?? anyway, since the good Dr is dead, and quentin is taking another umpteen years off after the stellar " basterds" film, and the Art Institute is several hours away i guess i will have to make do with Project Runway.

nice !!

i gotta say, sometimes i am disturbing, even to myself.


The Shed Master said...

The four you mentioned decently cover the human delights known as Literature, Film, Art, and Fashion, but I would strongly add Anthony Bourdain to the list to ensure that the Culinary Arts are not neglected.

Tim said...

I know you'll "make it work" Tim