i did manageto get a ride in this decade. it's been a while since i rode at winter park in kewaunee. at one time, trailbuilding genius jonathon V had an almost 8 mile loop out there, with another 3.5 miles a short 3/4 miles away, and plans to connect the two with a magical ribbon of imaginative singletrack that is/was his trademark.
but, political and redtape problems ended that. dark-souled dirtbag that i am, i knew it was too good to last - and i have been there only a handful of times since the demise of that stellar, if largely unknown trail system.
sucked for me, because i forgot if you wish to ride kewaunee, you gotta let the dew dry off the trail first. full-on granny-gear climbs and slick clay make for some tricky riding. add in the extra mass i am lugging around these days, no fitness, and a couple extra layers of blaze orange clothing and it made for a ridiculous display of profuse sweating, floundering, and a guiness book of world records-level effort for breathing hard.
still, my trusty steel steed with its super-trick component exotica from the nineties still rocking made it fun, and hi-lighted the fact that it was me, not the bike. some guys might think suntour XC-pro toeclip pedals and derailleur, flexy ti bar, and 8 speed era XTR ( complete with SRP Ti bolt kits thruoghout ) less than ideal by today's standards . . . . . but they were the hi-water mark for geared mtn bike parts, if ya ask me.
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