Sunday, June 21, 2009

gentlemen racing.

bike racing is a funny thing, ya have good years, bad years, you are perhaps planning to kill it but life gets in the way, and then years where for some reason you are just flying. persoanlly, my my ratio is about 1 decent year outta every five. luckily for me, next year is number five . . . . . .

in the meantime, however, i find myself enjoying the season immensely. mostly because i am now 2-for-2 on railing around two superfine race venues wheel-to-wheel with russell, much like we see in the gentlmen road racers pictured above. a different era obviuously, but like many things in life it is but a state of mind. note the classy machine, no quarter is ever asked for, buit it is often given anyway. the civilized manner in which man and machine react in harmony with each other and the racing cicuit. limits are reached, pushed, but never past the point of undude risk to any of the above. perhaps past what is resonable engine/body wise, but in our cases that will heal with the nearest brawurst, by and large

respect, competition, appreciation of one's rivals who are also great friends, mutual improvement, and appe\riciation a beautiful and terribly hard sport full of too many excellent people too mention anyway - all in all one the Better things in Life, lost largely to time - but still around if ya want it.

1 comment:

Mad Trix said...

What you said Tim.