Monday, January 5, 2009

where my wife sleeps, and my children . . . . . play with their toys

OK nevermind that is was minus 2 F, and everything was covered in ice outside this morning. it could be 72 degrees and sunny outside - if you are watching this film while you are riding indoors yer still alright. i couldn't bust out the whole 200 minutes of Fineness and Style in one go, so i'll finish it off tonite.


Mountaingoat said...

Never seen any of those movies.

T mon T said...

well there you go. if there has been anything better made since ( arguable ), they owe it directly to these films. standard-by-which-others-are-judged kinda thing. and, if you don't get lost in the michael coleone character, i will buy ya a smoothie at the 'cup !! :)