Thursday, May 28, 2009


this is not my kidney, but rather the greatest kidney of all time, the original dogbowl where much of sports/lifestyle culture was born. without this place, there would be no snowboarding, no surf-related clothing/style, and alternative music would have ended with the beach boys.

my own kidneys are a different story. many years back, i was a vegetarian for 10-15 years or so. when you are a vegetarian, your pee is often basic, as opposed to acidic. thus, you are prone to urinary tract infections at times - which i indeed contracted. once you get one, or several - you are more likely to repeat. i am repeating. it hurts like all fooking hell, too. no wonder i have been dragging ass so bad !! the rhinelander WORS race is questionable - looks like i'll be doing hand-ups. we'll see.


The Shed Master said...

I always say that nuthin' good ever comes of eating vegetables.

Ric Damm said...

If your handing up, I'll take some ... put please not your infected urine. Hope to see you there.

Rick said...

One more reason to skip thing vegan thing. That and the medium rare fillet that I had for dinner

karen said...

Meat it does a body good