Wednesday, April 15, 2009


gretchen and MK are off to these environs for the weekend. MK for a weekend of wacky MIT hijinks of some sort to see if she likes the place, and gretchen is all hooked up with a sweet B&B and rental fixie from some hipsters at a cool bike shop. the B&B guys keep saying they can hook her up with a ride with john kerry - if you know gretchen, don't laugh, she just might.

after the past 6 months or so, i have come to be a bit of a well-read college propaganda-literature sorta guy. i even a a friend in the bizness at the fab ripon college, and he kills it down there. but, ya gotta feel for some of those guys when yer lookin at MIT's stuff. i mean, when 1:4 of the humans who have walked on the moon since tha dawn of mankind are your alumni . . . . well you got a leg up in writing your promotional materials, if you catch my drift.

also, as we were checking out their cycling team pages, we came across an interesting entry. on the calendar page, they have all the usual stuff about upcoming races, training rides, meetings, clothing orders and so on. but, on one day they have the afternoon or whatever scheduled for . . . . . windtunnel testing ( !!!!!!!!!!! ). i guess if you have a windtunnel, you might as well bring yer bikes down there and use it, eh ?? crazy.


Ric Damm said...

Yeah, but do they have Rippin' Good Cookies?! Have fun out there, but not too much.

jwm said...

I'm pretty sure this is the place I'd go if I was back in boston..

just sayin. though, for the full experience, she might want to eat ramen noodles all weekend.


Tim said...

Pfft... they just use the wind tunnel for testing tail winds.