Saturday, February 7, 2009

where's russel ??

ha ha. i am sure russel had me pegged as some sorry indoor ridin scumbag today, but the joke was on him. no indeed, i was instead splashing thru the melting snow in, around, and thru the lovely town of tosa, sans my usual celebrity guide. not without my share of adversity, either. new cleats that would not clip, a broken seatpost binder fixed with a bolt and nut from the friendly crew at cream city skatepark, and i was on my way. maybe not 80 miles. . . . . ( 80 miles in february ?? )but at my advance years i can't be riding 80 miles in feb and not be burned out in august.

and, i even enjoyed such big city amenities as having other riders not smile and wave at my fool friendly small-town self, and getting yelled at by some yayhoo is a car claiming to be a cop, telling me not to roll thru stop signs. anyway, around 2 hours on the new march-hero fix, and it was awesome.


The Shed Master said...

Russell (2 L's) was riding all over the place, but alas not even a meter in 'Tosa. Just remember that the folks who were givin' you grief are worried 'bout what you represent - freedom. They can't stand to see others enjoy it.

Tim said...

They have stops signs in Port Washington?

HDHB said...

what kind of bars are those look comfertable